M - Y Values


P X T = Max. Pressure (psi) X Max. Temperature (F)

350,000 (1/32" & 1/16") 250,000 (1/8")

Temperature Limits -350F to 500+F

Pressure Limits @ Max. Temp = 1200 psi, 800 psi for E-140 only

Pressure limits @ Max. Temp = 1400 psi for E-900

The M and Y Values for E-110, E-600, E-900, E-140, and E-250
























The data set forth in this presentation is typical. The users specific application should be combined with independent study and evaluation for the mateerials suitibility. E-600 Fluorogreen, E-110 Fluorogreen, E-140 Fluoroblue, E-250 Fluoromaroon are registered trademarks of United Fluoro Components. All Fluorogreen products are made in the U.S.A.


 E-110 and E-600

 E-900, E-140, and E-250